Quelques acteurs de l'édition de textes italiens dans l'officine de Guillaume Rouillé (Lyon) : un modèle vernaculaire pour le français ?
modifié le: 2011-06-06

Our contribution explores the prefaces of editions of Tuscan texts produced in Lyons in the end of the 1540s and the beginning of the 1550s. We postulate that the paratexts of the editions – and more particularly those of the printer or the librarian –, constitute a crucial place for a reflexion on the vernacular’s status. In some of these texts, French is assimilated to Italian, a language which has already partly or totaly been legitimated, versus Latin. Hence, the publication of Italian texts – originals or translations – allows the equivalent in French. Thanks to their networks and their collaborators – often Italians –, the librarian or the printer’s workshops have access to pregnant texts : they can transpose their stake in a French environment and in French language.

Elise Rajchenbach-Teller, Université d'Angers

Lille, 30 avril 2010


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